There are plenty of great resources available to help job seekers write their value proposition. Today I’m sharing the strategy I use when I create a value proposition for almost any client. Value propositions are important because you’ll use it in your resume, your networking, and your interviews. It is the answer to the question: “Tell me about yourself?” It is often (if not always) located at the top portion of your resume and outlines why an employer would want to hire you. Here’s a sample:
What you’ll need BEFORE you start crafting your value proposition
- A target position
- Your target industry
- Two-three words that describe you
- Action words (verbs) that describe how you’re going to help the company
OK, now that you have answered the questions above, let’s give this a try using an example.
Example 1
- Target position: Community Manager
- Target industry: Marketing Communications/ New Media
- Two-three words that describe you: social, authentic, loyal
- Action words (verbs) that describe how you’re going to help the company
- engage & mobilize target audiences
- inspire action
- share stories
Now put it all together and you have the beginning of a value proposition for your target position!
Final Result – Example #1: Authentic and socially savvy community manager crafts and shares business stories that build, engage, and mobilize target audiences.
Want to try another one?
Example 2
- Target position: Vice President of Human Resources
- Target industry: Canadian Market Leaders
- Two-three words that describe you: Decisive, innovative, forward-thinking and hard-working
- Action words (verbs) that describe how you’re going to help the company?
- direct planning and policy development
- communicate effectively
- engage staff
Final Result – Example #2: Decisive and innovative HR leader directs and facilitates organization-wide planning and policy development for Canadian leaders. Eliminates ambiguity and communicates vision while effectively engaging and inspiring staff at all levels.
Remember: your value proposition is all about addressing the wants and needs of the employer. The more you can use words that describe how you meet the employer’s search criteria – the better your chances of being selected as a candidate.
So there you have it – my secret to creating a value proposition. Let me know if you need any help creating yours.
Related Categories: Career Clarity, Resumes & ATS
About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.