Resumes & ATS

10 Things to remove from your resume before 2024

As an executive resume writer for nearly 20 years, I have worked with incredibly savvy, experienced and growth-focused professionals and...

Your dream job is calling. Are you ready to talk?

Generally speaking, we Canadians are a humble bunch. We don’t like to talk about ourselves, and we certainly don’t brag about our...

Resume Trends for 2023

That headline was used to get you here. I don’t believe “resume trends” are something you need to jump on. But I also know if...

This advice comes with a warning.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Let me point out a few posts offering conflicting advice that I found in my...

Is there any value in writing a cover letter? Yes!

Buckle up. It’s about to get bumpy as we discuss the widely debated issue of cover letters. For some reason, there is great debate in...

What would it feel like to be this confident in your offering?

One of my favourite things to hear from people - is how much more confident they feel in themselves and the value they have to offer after...

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Resume.

While there are many formulas and templates to choose from and plenty of advice online about how to craft the perfect resume, the truth is,...

These last minute resume tips may save your job application

David wanted to update his resume for a job that was closing this week. He did a great job and needed only a few last-minute...

Where did you learn the art of business communications?

✎ School? ✎ Work? ✎ Home? The truth is, most of us weren’t taught how to do it; or how to do it well. People often...

How to amplify your resume results

Throughout his career, Saad had been part of the teams that developed marketing for products, programs and services. But he really...

Change the uncomfortable way you feel about job search.

Marianne and I worked together seven years ago. Since then, the company she was working for was bought out and suddenly moving in a...

The job of a strong resume is to secure an interview…

... but your resume doesn’t work alone. For the best results, you must pair it with an effective job search strategy. Imagine...