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This advice comes with a warning.

This advice comes with a warning.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Let me point out a few posts offering conflicting advice that I found in my LinkedIn feed last month.

⚡ Only connect to people you know | Connect to everyone.

⚡ Cover letters are dead | Cover letters help you stand out in today’s market.

⚡ Resumes should be one page | 3 resume mistakes – one page resumes.

⚡ Find your passion | Finding your passion is the worst career advice ever!

⚡ You should always do this/that | Never do this/that.

⚡ The Hidden Job Market is the best way to find jobs | There’s no such thing as the hidden job market.

Here’s the thing. You’re going to find generic advice offered online – that may not apply to your specific situation.

I’m guilty of it.

There are times I offer different clients polar-opposite strategies.

📌 If I’ve recently worked with a client who undersells themselves in an interview, I might write a post about the value of promoting yourself in an interview using “I” language vs. “we” language.

📌 If I’ve recently worked with someone who comes off as arrogant in an interview, I might share a post about the value of humility and using more “we” and less “I.”

In both cases, the advice works.

But the same cookie-cutter advice doesn’t work for everyone – you included!

You are not always the audience for everything you read – and that’s OK. Simply leave it and move on to something else.

Read what you can find here, but use your critical thinking skills to determine whether or not it’s for you.

Don’t let posts meant for someone else creep into your subconscious.

Read what you like, scroll past the rest.

Think of the available advice you find here like a buffet. You can taste many different foods, but only a few may be to your taste. Be selective about your choices.

Find the advice that resonates.

Apply it, if that feels right for your situation.

But don’t be bullied by what you find here.

You don’t have to eat all the food.

Find what nourishes you and leave the rest.

Have a peaceful day. Happy scrolling.

Related Categories: Advice, Career Clarity, Client Questions & Answers, Client Story, Interview Strategy, Job Search, Labour Market Information, LinkedIn, Networking, Resumes & ATS, Students & Parents

About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.

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