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Why did you leave your last job?

Why did you leave your last job?

“Why did you leave your last job?” might be the interview question you’re dreading most.

How do you tell someone you’ve been laid off when you’re trying to make a solid first impression?

In the video, I lay out a formula for your leaving story. It explains:

  1. Why you left
  2. What you’ve accomplished since leaving (link in the comments of useful samples)
  3. How you will add value to a company (Why they should hire you)

Sample: I just finished working with (Company Name) as their (Position Title). What I most loved about working with them was X, Y, Z. Since then, I’ve been working on A, B, C. Now (with this new expertise) I’m focused on finding my next role as a (position title) in the (industry).

When you give the employer the information they need, you make it easier for them to choose you.

To win the interview, you have to know more than the formula. You have to practice.

And it starts with the questions you dread most!

  • Why did you spend 15 years at the same company?
  • Why haven’t you stayed longer than one year at the same company?
  • Do you think you have too much experience, not enough experience for this job?

Address the issue that’s causing you the most concern. What’s your best tip for preparing for these types of networking and interview questions?

Related Categories: Interview Strategy, Job Search

About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.

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