My friend Ruth is an executive who loves to talk to me about her career.
And I love listening.
She is particularly strategic in everything she does. When I suggest a tip or a resource, she’s on it! So, it’s no surprise I got this message from her.
“Maureen, I’ve known for a while I needed a mentor.
I was chatting with a former boss recently and out of the blue, she asked if I’d be interested in being listed in her department for succession planning purposes; specifically considering me for four different leadership opportunities.
Ummm, yes, please.
Having my name on that list feels awesome.
Many months from now, it may even lead to a new career. It’s already led to new career ideas for me.”
At this point, my friend says this ‘fell in her lap’ when I remind her that it only feels like it ‘fell in her lap’. She worked hard to:
👉 network, foster and strengthen her work relationships
👉 stay in constant contact with her network
👉 reach out for support when needed and
👉 self-promote her accomplishments regularly
Is there anyone in your network you might ask to be your mentor? How to ask someone to be your mentor.
Even if you’re not currently on the hunt for a new job, these are the types of things you can do to prepare for your future.
What other ways has networking led to future opportunities for you or someone you know?
Related Categories: Networking
About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.