Read to the end to find out the job search habits we tossed out last year!
1. Sending applications everywhere and anywhere.
✔ Instead: Limit your search to jobs you’re motivated to win. Second-tier roles can wait. Pursue top-tier roles with dogged determination. Applying to second, third and fourth-choice roles only invites chaos and mediocrity to your search. The more defined your job search, the better.
Applying to second, third and fourth-choice roles only invites chaos and mediocrity to your search.
2. Blasting your AI-generated cover letter, resume and LinkedIn profile to everyone.
✔ Instead: Engage in your search. Discernment is key when building relationships at the executive level. Send tailored messages to a select few that will position you as their next hire.
Discernment is key when building relationships at the executive level.
3. Relying on online tools, not people-facing job applications.
✔ Instead: Take ownership of your job search by continually expanding your network. Since we know “people hire people,” work your networking up to a “real person” quickly and authentically.
“Level up your networking to meet with real people, in person.”
4. Waiting to get help.
✔ Instead: Alleviate and prevent stress and financial hardship by identifying resources BEFORE you need them. You don’t get insurance after the accident; you get It before. Don’t wait for job loss or your dream job to show up to get started.
You don’t get insurance after the accident; you get It before.
5. Waiting for the right job to appear before focusing your attention on your career.
✔ Instead: Demonstrate you anticipate where others react. Position yourself with targeted, tailored branding messages BEFORE you need them. When others are reacting to the open role by collecting and updating their collateral for days and weeks, you’re engaging decision-makers and scheduling interviews because you had the foresight to think ahead.
Engage decision-makers and schedule interviews while others are collecting their collateral.
6. Using fancy, overrated template designs.
✔ Instead: Realize your content is king. The substance of your resume trumps its design and attractiveness. Capture people’s attention, yes, but work to keep it with quality, demonstrative content.
Content is still king.
7. Thinking what got you here will get you there.
✔ Instead: Understand that you’re pursuing more senior and competitive roles, so expect to have to compete. Select stories strategically – ones you proudly share when you meet executive recruiters and hiring teams. Align these stories with the demands of the new role.
Expect to compete for senior roles.
8. Failing to conduct research ahead of time.
✔ Instead: Acknowledge that the job market has changed since you last looked for work. Learning and staying ahead of trends in your industry is a savvy way to monitor the demands in the market and be ready for them.
It’s time to leave these unhealthy job search approaches behind you and start the new year off right.
Need help getting started? Book a 15-minute consultation with me to learn how I can help you upgrade your job search outcomes for 2025.
Want to see last year’s list of 7 Job Search Habits to Break Before 2024?
Related Categories: Advice, Career Clarity, Client Questions & Answers, Featured, Job Search, Research
About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.