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How to clean up your resume this weekend

How to clean up your resume this weekend

According to Trading Economics job vacancies in Canada are on the rise meaning there are more jobs open to candidates as employers struggle to find (specific) talent. If you’re looking for a new gig in the next six to twelve months, now is the time to get organized to conduct an effective job search.

If you’re like most of us, however, you want to spend your weekend like the couple in the photo, not working on your resume. The truth is, weekends and evenings may be the only time you have to work on your resume if you have a full-time, Monday-to-Friday-style gig. So I began to wonder…how can we make a resume update something quick and easy so people can have better jobs and better lives? How can we make resume writing something less dreaded and more inviting?

On the first of June, I shared this post on LinkedIn with the express purpose of helping those too busy to write their resume. I wanted to offer some quick tips that would improve your resume’s results but not take up your entire weekend.

Over 1,000 people viewed the post in the first two hours. Resume writers and executive recruiters saw the post, liked it and commented on it; some even offered their own tips in the comments section. Here is the post in its entirety along with a select group of tips taken from the comment section.

So how can you improve your resume over a weekend?

  • Organize the information so it’s easily read and understood
  • Add your title to your headline
  • Incorporate the keywords from the job poster into your resume
  • Add your credentials
  • Identify how many years of industry experience you have
  • Explain acronyms before you use them. Always
  • Answer “so what?” after each bullet point.
  • Keep your dates on the right-hand side.
  • Demonstrate your experience with before and after examples.
  • Use active language …  … like Championed, Led, Spearheaded, Advised,  Influenced…

Do you have a simple resume tip to add?

Share it in the comments.

You never know whom you might help – maybe a new connection, maybe a new employer.

After the post, a number of professional resume writers and executive recruiters added their tips.

  • Adjust the font size and help your text breathe by adding enough blank space.
    Ana Lokotkova, Job Search Advisor
  • Add your LinkedIn URL.
    Virginia Franco, Executive Career Storyteller
  • Always use a professional and easy-to-read font!
    Nicole Corcoran, Corporate Recruiter
  • Add a splash of colour! Make your resume pleasing to the eye.
    Laura C. Slawson Career Storyteller
  • Show your results. Demonstrate $, % and describe the results of actions.
    Marie Narsoo, Employment Advisor

And remember, you don’t have to make all these changes all at once. Choose the tips you love or have time to implement right away and leave the rest. Do what you can to be ready for your next gig.

Related Categories: Career Clarity, Job Search, Resumes & ATS

About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.

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