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8 things to consider before you leave your job

8 things to consider before you leave your job

If the thought of returning to a mediocre job after an amazing summer adventure is keeping you up at night, you’re not alone. Our phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from people interested in finally getting serious about leaving their unfulfilling job. There are just a few things you’ll want to take care of before you take the calculated risk of looking for a new gig.

Think long-term

You can’t guarantee how your career might unfold, so be prepared for all possible scenarios. In very broad terms

  • Ensure you know what’s happening in your local labour market, industry/sector and company. Don’t wait for opportunities, anticipate them!
  • Build confidence in your resume and LinkedIn profile. Invest a few hours in the next week to bring your career life-lines in for repair, update and revitalization.
  • Foster and strengthen the relationships in your network. My brother-in-law, now a partner at a major consulting firm, once said about job loss and job search “It is always your network that saves you.”

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Watch out for unsuspected pitfalls

Very few people can anticipate a job loss. While you’re planning to leave them they may be planning to leave you. A sudden job loss can be a very emotional time in a person’s life. Imagine how much better you might handle a job loss if you had a plan in place? Plan for the worst-case-scenario and always be prepared.

Have a Financial Exit Strategy

What does it mean from a financial perspective if you left your job today? What if the plan to leave your job was not yours to make? How many days, weeks or months can you pay bills without a steady income? What are your options when it comes to other streams of income that might cover your monthly living expenses? Having a financial strategy is like having an emergency kit. You hope you never have to use it, but you’re prepared in the event that you do.

Take your self-care days

Mental health, family day, vacation days, whatever days you have been holding onto, it’s time to spend them. Look into whether or not you’re covered and take advantage now before things start to kick up again at the office and you find you have no time to take care of your needs.

Cut the dead weight

It’s time to let go of whatever isn’t working for you anymore. Here’s one way to start. If it isn’t lifting you up, it’s weighing you down. Lighten up and let it go.

Consider re-tooling

What’s missing from your career history that would make you an ideal candidate? Certifications? Licenses? Diplomas? If you’re not sure, start researching potential employers and job posters. Consider the National Occupation Classification (NOC) where they house thousands of job titles and their job descriptions.


Doing good for the community not only feels great, but it can lead to both networking and employment opportunities. If you’re looking for ways to establish yourself in a new industry, this is one surefire way to get yourself noticed.

Have a clear career plan

Call it a path, a template or a system; create or follow a methodology to check in and assess your progress. No one is going to keep you accountable to this so you have to do it for yourself. The time will pass regardless so it is important to have something in place to keep you focused on your end goal.

You can’t plan for every possible scenario. These tips are part of a career transition strategy; one built on a solid foundation for future stability.

Related Categories: Career Clarity, Job Search

About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.

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