Tag: linkedin

An Introvert’s Guide to Networking

De : Maureen McCann

Push down all of your negative self-talk and summon the courage to talk to at least three people at in-person events. My friend Constance introduced me to this technique years ago. She is a natural networker, very inquisitive and always knows precisely what to say. I, conversely, struggle to fill the silence, attempt to meet as... Read more »

2023-02-09 | [show_post_categories show="category" hyperlink="yes"]

This advice comes with a warning.

De : Maureen McCann

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Let me point out a few posts offering conflicting advice that I found in my LinkedIn feed last month. ⚡ Only connect to people you know | Connect to everyone. ⚡ Cover letters are dead | Cover letters help you stand out in today’s market. ⚡ Resumes... Read more »

2022-09-13 | [show_post_categories show="category" hyperlink="yes"]