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What job seekers need to know in 2020

What job seekers need to know in 2020
If you haven’t looked for work in 5+ years, you may not know about some major changes to the initial stages of a hiring process:
  • In 2015, when unemployment was between 5%-5.5%, Glassdoor’s research found “on average, each corporate job opening attracted 250 résumés.”
  • A few years later JobScan found 98% of Fortune 500 companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This means a robot parses your resume and determines whether you match the requirements and whether you move forward in the hiring process.
  • Presuming you’re fortunate enough to get through the ATS, recruiters and hiring managers aren’t spending a lot of time reading your resume. According to a 2018 eye-tracking survey by the Ladders, “recruiters spend just 7.4 seconds screening an average resume.”

You want your #resume to breeze through this process. But if you’re unaware of how the process works, how could you possibly prepare?

I’ll link the #research in the comments.

What important data do people need to know to prepare for their #jobsearch? Please cite your research.

Related Categories: Job Search

About The Author
Maureen McCann is an award-winning career coach, master resume writer, and master certified interview, employment, and career strategist whose clients include C-level executives, managers, and professionals in all industries including the Canadian banking, oil and gas, healthcare, IT, and government sectors.

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